Your Personal Development Journey is Ready Now For You!


The Disruptive Edge and Visions From Beyond have come together to create a holistic approach to personal development.


We aim to merge and align the mind, body and spirit within the behavioural framework to unlock your doors of self discovery and bring insight into who you are.


Begin your journey now to understanding yourself and embrace the real you...

Find the Happiness from Within

Understanding yourself at your core and who you are behind all the faces we wear is crucial to knowing who we are...


What if, you could feel comfortable in your skin and love ourself without criticism or judgement...


The development of 'the self' starts by working through the complex matrix of behaviours, patterns and habits, which we have consciously and unconsciously adopted. 


On the other side of the matrix is the essence of our truth. This is where our development truly begins and we begin to stand in our own power...

Laughter & Joy with Others

Being surrounded by support, guidance and acceptance is one of our core needs and like all of our needs, it allows us to flourish, grow and be the best version of ourselves.


A big part of our development is understanding our needs and knowing how to fulfil them.


Claiming our life back through mastering our emotions and expressing our boundaries.


Learning how to support and create long lasting, substantial, compassionate and loving connections.


Start gaining the tools and knowledge to deal with any card life deals us, knowing that you can handle anything that comes your way...


Love and Fulfillment

How we are in our relationship is how we are in the world in all of our relationships.

Learning why we do what we do is an essential part of understanding people and their behaviours. 


Looking through the lens of compassion instead of judgement and empathy instead of criticism is where the magic happens...


Imagine if you didn't get angry, resentful or over-emotional and didn't fight or disagree...


What if you could learn how to communicate on any level and learn to be the driver of your own inner workings, how would this change your relationship?


 Gain the tools to determine how what and when you feel... use the knowledge to stand in your own power and compliment those around you...

Personal development is learning who we are and living our true lives as the best version of ourselves.



When we feel stuck and frustrated it affects our confidence, self-esteem, career, relationships, health, and day-to-day life and we often know that something has to change, but making that change on your own can be difficult and overwhelming.


This is where development sessions can make all the difference, guiding and helping you to move towards a happier, more fulfilling life.


Our sessions will give you the awareness to understand what keeps you stuck, you will gain insight into your mindset, limiting beliefs and repetitive thoughts, the language you use, and any emotions or memories from the past. We will uncover all the influences that prevents you from being who you desire and ultimately reclaiming your life.


Together, we will work to create empowering ways of being that align with your authentic self and begin the journey to finding happiness and harmony within yourself and with those around you.




Come out of the shadows and walk tall, learn how to let go of the masks you wear and discover what life with meaning is all about...


Take back your life and embrace who you are at your core...
The most important person is the one who stares back at you in the mirror, it is now time to make them proud...

Let's connect & chat about your future.. 

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